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Jewelry Making

Build Your Own

At Gem Mountain, your gemstone finds can be cut and made into custom jewelry by experienced gem cutters and jewelry designers. Our designers are graduates of prestigious jewelry design schools. Choose from a wide variety of styles and settings to suit your taste.

After you find your gemstones whether it be on the flume line or at the mine, we are able to make your gemstone into your new piece of jewelry! You get to design your own piece of forever from the rough stone into the finished piece.

Our knowledgeable gem experts help you to identify your find and assess the potential your gemstone has for fine jewelry. Then, our gem cutters work your stone into a brilliantly polished jewel!

We are also able to design your jewelry independently. If you can draw it, we can make it! We specialize in rings, pendants, earrings, wiring, and more! We can do gold, rose gold, white gold, sterling silver, and platinum metals. We are more than happy to help you find something special for you, for your friends or family, family heirlooms, or many others!

We also have a large variety of many ready-to-wear jewelry items…these beautiful and unique pieces make great gifts! We have a wide price range that we are sure can fit any budget.

Precious gemstones, Gem Mountain, NC jewelry
jewelry making, gem harvesting, Gem Mountain, NC
Gem harvesting, jewelry making, Gem Mountain, NC
precious gems, jewelry making, ring, Gem Mountain, NC
precious gems, jewelry making, ring, Gem Mountain, NC
precious gems, jewelry making, ring, Gem Mountain, NC
precious gems, jewelry making, ring, Gem Mountain, NC
precious gems, jewelry making, ring, Gem Mountain, NC
precious gems, jewelry making, ring, Gem Mountain, NC
a stunning ring with a red stone set in the middle
precious gems, jewelry making, ring, Gem Mountain, NC
precious gems, jewelry making, ring, Gem Mountain, NC
gemstones, jewelry making, Gem Mountain, NC
gemstones, jewelry making, Gem Mountain, NC
jewelry making, precious gem stones, Gem Mountain, NC
jewelry production, gemstones, Gem Mountain, Spruce Pine, NC
gemstone jewelry, Gem Mountain, Spruce Pine, NC
gemstone jewelry, Gem Mountain, Spruce Pine, NC
gemstone jewelry, Gem Mountain, Spruce Pine, NC
gemstone jewelry, Gem Mountain, Spruce Pine, NC
gemstone jewelry, Gem Mountain, Spruce Pine, NC
gemstone jewelry, Gem Mountain, Spruce Pine, NC
gemstone jewelry, Gem Mountain, Spruce Pine, NC
gem mining, jewelry making Spruce Pine, NC Gem Mountain